John 16:33

“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

We exist to cultivate thriving families by serving the physical, relational, and spiritual needs of teen parents and their children.  

You are welcome here.

Order by April 25th!

Take Heart Family Ministry

Chasing Hearts. Changing Lives.

Take Heart is a non-profit ministry dedicated to supporting and empowering teen parents in North Dallas. We walk alongside these young moms, their children, and the fathers with long-term, responsive, relationally-driven care and support. 

We know the ultimate gift we can give is the gospel love of Jesus and that is our foundation. 


build your

Our programming explores the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the challenges of parenthood. Participants learn about child development, health and nutrition, effective communication, and much more. Ultimately, we seek to empower young moms and dads to provide their children with a nurturing and supportive environment where they can grow and thrive.

Our weekly programming is focused on the following key pillars.


Bible study nights offer a safe space to share struggles, doubts, and questions with others who can relate. Together, we gain a deeper understanding of God's word and his life-changing love for us. Through prayer and discussion, we encourage each other to apply what we learn to our every day lives.

forge new


Through weekly programming, daily life, and special events, our moms, dads, and children build strong connections with each other as well as with mentor leaders. We believe having fun together is one of the best ways to build trust so we create experiences that create friends and memories for a lifetime.

LOVE your
