join OUR

WHAT: Walk alongside our moms and dads as they grow in their identities as parents and children of God. 

WHO: We are looking for men and women who are at least 20 years old and have a passion for teen parents and sharing the gospel. A great Discipleship Mentor does not need to have parenting experience, however, we encourage those with children to apply and walk through the parenting journey together.  We also love to find more Spanish-speaking mentors!

WHEN: Mentors attend group programming two Tuesdays a month from 6:00-8:00PM (with dinner provided!). In addition, mentors text, call, and pursue friendship with their paired teen mom or dad on a weekly basis. 

WHY: Discipleship mentors are truly the heart of our program as the deep connections they form are the best way to love, serve, and disciple our young parents who have chosen life for their precious children. 

Ministry Team

WHAT: Lend your skills to help keep our ministry running. 

WHO: This role is great for men and women who have a desire to serve 'behind the scenes' in any number of ways.  

WHEN: Ministry Team meetings happen one morning each month (fall schedule pending), with additional work time spent on your own, usually 4-6 hours a month, depending on your specific role. 

WHY: Take Heart only employs one full-time staff member so we rely heavily on a  team of committed volunteers to keep things running smoothly. The more volunteer support we have, the more our full-time staff can focus on the core mission of the ministry, serving our young parents and discipling them in the gospel. 

serve in

Children's Ministry

WHAT:  Love on babies ages zero to four as their moms and dads attend programming. 

WHO: Volunteers should be excited to serve energetic youngsters and be 16 years or older. This is also an excellent opportunity to commit to a regular service opportunity with a community group.   

WHEN: Volunteers commit to one or two Tuesdays a month from 6:15-8:15PM. 

WHY:  Your service as a volunteer allows our young moms and dads to be fully engaged in our programming where they build connections with each other, hear the word of God, engage in discussion, and sometimes just have fun together. 

become a

Discipleship Mentor

volunteers keep this organization running. we have a variety of roles for whatever time and talent you have to give.

You've got what we need!